Travelling alone doesn't mean being lonely, even there's no one to share your experience with at that time. That is the reason why my Twitter always updated! hoho (blabbering always makes me feel better, lol).
Here are some snippets from Twitter
"I met a beautiful girl from JKT at the bride's house in the small village Kalasin, North Thailand, around 500 km from Bangkok. Unbelievable!"
8:03 AM Jan 29th
"I think I already miss my Phillippino friend. Travelling alone means forces me to meet a new people and make new friends. A great experience."
9:43 AM Jan 30th
"I still can't believe it why I'm here, it has been the longest week in my life (so far). Anyway, rah dtree sawat, tweeps."
10:00 AM Jan 30th
"Seharian di Chaktuchak dr baru buka sampai mau tutup, sendirian muterin area raksasa. Pulang2 bawaan entah berapa kilo. Murahnya parah bgt."
5:52 AM Jan 31st
"At Siam Paragon, melihat ikan2. Naik perahu kaca diatas aquarium raksasa, jalan2 liat lab aquariumnya, wish u were here @BobsAlvianto.."
8:43 PM Jan 31st
"They're feeding the penguins. Ohhh cuteee. They're going to feed the shark at 1 pm."
8:48 PM Jan 31st
"I'm a pisces so I always loooveee fish. What a great underwater world :) you should come to Siam Paragon, it's a seaworld under the mall."
8:51 PM Jan 31st
"Aduh ga enaknya travelling sendiri ga ada yg motoin huhu.."
9:34 PM Jan 31st
"Oh my God, sharks feeding show is so keeeewl. Tegang abis. Merinding juga. Bukan cuma ngasih makan, tp beneran kayak ntn pelm :p"
10:08 PM Jan 31st
"Ternyata cinema 4Dnya ngagetin bgt, hahaha siaul gue ngakak setiap kursinya bergoyang dan nyemburin angin. "
10:53 PM Jan 31st
"Ke Grand Palace naik BTS dari Siam smpai Taksin lalu naik feri. PR juga sih jd lbh jauh, tp seru. Travelling without planning ini mah."
12:34 AM Feb 1st
"Naik taksi ke Grand Palace sama aja harganya drpd naik BTS nyambung lg naik fery, ingat tutupnya jam 4 sore."
1:41 AM Feb 1st
"It's time for Thai Massage, huaa.. And after that Foot Massage.."
2:07 AM Feb 1st
"Thai Massage = badan dilipat-lipat mjd 3 bagian -_-' lalu ditekan dan dilipat, aduh bak olahraga senam :p"
2:25 AM Feb 1st
"With Fahdli and his Girlfriend, miss U (its her nickname) otw to SuanLum."
6:04 AM Feb 1st
"Oow wrong outfit, I feel like I'm going to somewhere classy, having dinner at sum nice good lookin place. They are wearing shorts and shirts, hihi"
6:08 AM Feb 1st
"Even Thai people could get lost finding a famous place. Using their GPS and calling their friends isn't working at all. Hihi funny situation"
6:18 AM Feb 1st
"Bkk and Jkt have the same thing in common, traffic jam!! It's 9.30 PM and the road is driving me krezihh."
6:23 AM Feb 1st
"Next trip, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai. Hubby please you should take time as sick leave rather than annual leave :p"
6:29 AM Feb 1st
"SuanLum is the best shopping place in BKK. Everything is so kewl. Not like Pratunam area, in here it happens to be the best closet ever."
6:50 AM Feb 1st
"I bought a nice real leather shoes for hubby, and I talked to the young handsome good looking designer himself, the shoes are custom made."
7:12 AM Feb 1st
"Lots of cutting edge boutique here in SuanLum, lots of young talented designer and artist. Its a must place to shop in bkk."
7:15 AM Feb 1st
"Termurah hingga ga ada murah2nya fav saya di Bkk: Chatuchak-PratunamMarket-PlatinumPlaza-SuanLum-CentralPlaza-SiamParagon. Slamat mencoba :)"
8:13 AM Feb 1st
"Having a great dinner with Fahdli and Ms. U, next trip if Bobby also here, we'll have a romantic dinner at the Chao Praya cruise, okay."
9:27 AM Feb 1st
"Tomorrow will be my last day in bkk, it has been a wonderful journey. Now I have new friends from all around south east asia. 8 amazing days"
9:31 AM Feb 1st
"Heading to Flower Market :) almost midnite and that's the best time to go there."
9:48 AM Feb 1st
"Lots of story about Thai ppl to share. About their habbit & their vision of life. That's why Indonesia will not be able to move forward :("
10:20 AM Feb 1st
"Tweeting all day :p Sorry guys hihi. Well since I had no one to share here, so I will share my thoughts to ppl who might need the info."
10:47 AM Feb 1st
"Stay in a hotel around Pratunam area (esp Petchburi Rd), the best spot for shopping in Bangkok. A very busy place & near to the BTS Skytrain"
6:39 PM Feb 1st
"Mostly the market and malls in Bangkok are closed around 5-7 PM. But they open early in the morning."
6:44 PM Feb 1st
"All names in Thai are so hard to remember. Don't forget to bring pen & notes. You might get lost easly."
6:46 PM Feb 1st
"The weather in Bkk is freakin hot, it's not so different like in Jkt. Wear something made from cotton. You'll be sweating all the time :("
6:49 PM Feb 1st
"Try to explore Bkk by yourself rather than using tour guide, not only it is fun but also it's not that hard finding a good place to visit."
6:52 PM Feb 1st
"At the Grand Palace for the third time huahahaha."
6:52 PM Feb 1st
"You HAVE TO wear skirt to the Golden Palace, if you don't wear it you can borrow the skirt for 200 baht."
6:57 PM Feb 1st
"Pants are okay but no leggings for sure (Golden Palace)."
6:58 PM Feb 1st
"Umbrella also important. The sun seems like only 10 inches from your head. HOT!"
7:01 PM Feb 1st
"The good thing about travelling alone, I don't have to wait for others :) Happy explorer. I think I'll join that group, melimpir2 dikit."
7:16 PM Feb 1st
"I wonder what it will be like in hell? I think this is the hottest weather I've ever experienced in my life. SO F* HOT (pengen buka baju)."
8:07 PM Feb 1st
"When I sent him the photo, my father said "Where are u, is it in Egypt?" Hahaha. And he asked lots of questions after that. I love u dad."
8:10 PM Feb 1st
"I wish I had a grand golden palace just like this in my hometown. Breathtaking sight, amazing place, wonderful experience. Monas garing :("
8:17 PM Feb 1st
"Did u know, u can find ankle boots or other "masa kini" shoes all over Bkk for IDR 120k. And that Lady Gaga puff shoulder shirts for IDR 25k"
9:15 PM Feb 1st
"Having lunch in every mall, plaza and food hall, mostly cost 50-80 baht = IDR 15-24k. Imagine if you buy the street food, 20-50 baht :)"
9:37 PM Feb 1st
"The first thing u should do at the airport, buy AIS simcard, so u can use yer BB here. 30 baht/day=IDR 9k. TrueMove cant provide BB service"
9:41 PM Feb 1st
"In love with Gourmet Market at Siam Paragon. Lots of Thai snack with a nice packaging. Good for gift." 11:09 PM Feb 1st
"Argh kelebihan 7.5 kg, perasaan pas brangkat setengah kosong :( chargenya 1150 baht pula, argghhh.."
3:13 AM Feb 2nd
"Byebye Thailand :) it's been a wonderful 8 days. Thank you Fahdli and Hanifa. HUGS"
4:46 AM Feb 2nd
Folow me
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